
Summer at the Max Planck Institute

This past June I was selected to attend the Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality with 39 other emerging scholars from around the world. It was a wonderful experience! Now in...

Award to study scientific uncertainty from AEJMC

It was back to Washington, DC, in August for the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference. This year, I received the Graduate Student Research Award from the Mass...

Summer at Huntsman Cancer Institute

This summer I had the opportunity to work as a research assistant in Dr. Kimberly Kaphingst’s lab at the Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake City. I helped with research...

Interviewed for Data & Society’s “Fairness in Precision Medicine” Report

I recently had the chance to participate in a research initiative called the Fairness in Precision Medicine project, led by the nonprofit organization Data & Society. The project examines the potential challenges...

Risk of Knowing Your Risk

I was interviewed by Data & Society’s Mikaela Pitcan on challenges in DTC genetic communication. This piece explores the potential unintended consequences of conveying genetic information, especially directly to consumers. Read The Risks...

Summer at the National Cancer Institute

I spent this summer at the NCI as a research fellow between master’s and PhD programs, and it was a blast! I was working in the Health Communication and Informatics...

Foreseeing challenges in precision medicine communication

We’re entering an era of precision medicine—healthcare tailored to the individual, based on a range of biological and psychosocial factors—and with it comes both great enthusiasm and deep concerns. Developments...


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