Interdisciplinary Research Mixer

I’m excited to present my work at UGA’s inaugural Franklin College faculty research mixer! Here are references to some of the work I discuss I my talk: Most people expect some uncertainty...

New preference scale

Being able to directly capture preferences for (un)certain science information is an important step toward better public science communication. It paves the way for research that uncovers the factors shaping...

Do people understand ‘preprints’?

My collaborators and I have a new paper out in Health Communication on public understanding of scientific preprints. In this study, we found that people noticed when a study’s preprint...

New framework paper

In this paper, we propose a process-oriented framework for testing the effects of communicating uncertain science to the public.

Communicating Covid Uncertainty

Pandemics are characterized by extreme uncertainty and effective communication is critical to help the public manage this uncertainty. We summarized scholarship on public communication related to uncertainty during the COVID-19...

Uncertainty in Precision Medicine

Precision medicine research relies on public volunteers to provide genetic and other personal data for research. We examined how people respond to uncertainty about scientific benefit and data use. In...

Digital Health Engagement Trends

My colleagues and I have a new brief report in American Journal of Public Health! The main takeaway: Data from NCI’s HINTS shows #eHealth engagement varies by type and among...

Virtual Talk: How Lay Audiences Respond to Disclosure of Scientific Uncertainty

My coauthors and I just presented a study at the virtual National Communication Association conference. Since the conference was free to attend, I’m sharing the video here.

Do Narratives Reduce Resistance?

Our meta-analysis on narratives and resistance to persuasion was just published in Human Communication Research! Here is a link to the publisher’s site, and here is the pre-print. I’m happy...

Review of Reactance Measures

My review of psychological reactance research approaches is now out in Communication Research. This paper is the product of three years of toiling, having fascinating conversations with other scholars, and...