Reactance to Framed Messages

Striking a balance with exercise promotion messages can be tricky. In our study of loss/gain framing, reactance and dose, now out in Risk Analysis, we compared physical activity PSAs that...

Summer at the Max Planck Institute

This past June I was selected to attend the Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality with 39 other emerging scholars from around the world. It was a wonderful experience! Now in...

HINTS User Conference Talk in DC

I had a wonderful time presenting at the HINTS User Conference in Bethesda in May. This meeting brought together a fascinating range of research projects that use the publicly available...

Media mentions of cancer research: disproportionate coverage (Our new study in BMJ Open)

Our team’s study on coverage of cancer research in online media was just published at BMJ Open! We started the collaboration when I was working at NCI in 2017, and...

Scientific uncertainty heightens trust in journalists

Our chapter — “News Coverage of Cancer Research: Does Disclosure of Scientific Uncertainty Enhance Credibility?” — was published in the 2018 Routledge book Risk and Health Communication in an Evolving Media...

Award to study scientific uncertainty from AEJMC

It was back to Washington, DC, in August for the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference. This year, I received the Graduate Student Research Award from the Mass...

Summer at Huntsman Cancer Institute

This summer I had the opportunity to work as a research assistant in Dr. Kimberly Kaphingst’s lab at the Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake City. I helped with research...

Meta-analysis wins ‘Top Four’ in health comm @ ICA Prague

This past May at the International Communication Association‘s annual meeting, I got to present the latest version of a meta-analysis of studies examining the potential for narrative messages to lower...

Challenges in precision medicine communication

Repost of University of Utah’s Communication Dept. announcement: Communication Dept. Scholars Publish on the Critical Role of Communication in the “Precision Medicine Era” Precision medicine is the notion of a...

Interviewed for Data & Society’s “Fairness in Precision Medicine” Report

I recently had the chance to participate in a research initiative called the Fairness in Precision Medicine project, led by the nonprofit organization Data & Society. The project examines the potential challenges...